Thursday, August 13, 2009


What a week!!!

  • Car broke down in penang bridge, about 3.00 a.m., Sunday. Did the "hand thingy" in the middle of the bridge for help, but nobody bothered! Luckily Florence came for the rescue. (Thanks Flo, I owe you) Slept at 6.00 a.m. and woke up at 7.30 a.m., then went for college. Insufficient sleep, suprisingly I managed to concentrate in every class! not bad....

  • Found out grandma was hospitalised. Went and visit her every night for these past few days, Praise God she is better now.

  • Stephanie came back from..... Italy (if not mistaken), Went to the beach with her, then dinner. Quite an evening, I might add.

  • A few dramas happened in College, which I didn't see it coming, and it's big. Wondered why does it had to happened, and my trials is in a week time, what a good timing huh?

Every single night, the stress of having trials in another 10 days would just provoked me to be.........more stressful? LOL

A week which has a little mixture of exasperation and amusement!

Exasperation 83% + Amusement 17%

P/S. Shut your Big Ignorance mouth...

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